Membership Application: Membership of the LSJ is open to all individuals anywhere in the world interested in any part of lichenology. Detailed membership and application forms are obtained from the secretary, Shunji TAKESHITA (竹下 俊治).
- Laboratory of Taxonomy, Department of Biology, Kochi University
- Laboratory of Biology, Kochi Gakuen College
- Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Department of Biology, Hiroshima University
- Department of Botany, National Science Museum
Abroad Homepages
- American Bryological and Lichenological Society
- British Lichen Society
- California Lichen Society(CALS)
- Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society
- International Association of Lichenologists
- North American Lichen Project
- Nordic Lichen Society
- Oregon State University
- Società Lichenologica Italiana (SLI)
- University of Bradford
- University of Hawaii